# We are all thought

Caloni, 2025-02-01 quotes philosophy [up] [copy]
All that we are is the result of all that we have thought. It is founded on thought. It is based on thought.
Buddha, The Dhammapada

# Ascenção de Prometheus (Prometheus Rising, Robert Anton Wilson, 1983)

Caloni, 2025-02-01 books drafts [up] [copy]
Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves.

A Mitiko começou a ler seu exemplar em português, presente de um amigo nosso, e resolvi que é uma boa oportunidade para voltar a lê-lo em paralelo. Não muito afeita a leituras, ela deve abandonar ou postergar este projeto indefinidamente, mas devo continuar minha leitura para preencher os recortes que faltam deste esotérico e maravilhoso livro sobre nossa consciência dos mapas mentais.

In the 1970s, I simply did not recognize the extent to which the 1960s “youth revolution” had terrified our ruling Elite, or that they would try to prevent future upsurges of radical Utopianism by deliberately “dumbing down” the educational system.
As Dr. Leonard Orr has noted, the human mind behaves as if it were divided into two parts, the Thinker and the Prover.
When we say A is B, we are saying that A is only what it appears within our field of study or our area of specialization. This is saying too much. When we say A can be considered as B, or modeled by B, we are saying exactly as much as we have a right to say, and no more.
(...) whatever you think you should see, you will see — unless it is physically impossible in this universe. All experience is a muddle, until we make a model to explain it.
On the other hand, the software is more “real” in the sense that you can smash the hardware back to dust (“kill” the computer) and the software still exists, and can “materialize” or “manifest” again in a different computer.
Imprints (software frozen into hardware) are the non-negotiable aspects of our individuality.
Each successive imprint complicates the software which programs our experience and which we experience as "reality.

[2025-01] [index]